Thursday 9 September 2021

What Is Cybersecurity? - Tcss

Cyber security is a hot topic among professionals in nearly every field around the world. Every kind of organisation has data that it has to store for both current and future use. Most of them store their sensitive data on servers, and those need protection. Otherwise, hackers and other cyber criminals can easily steal that information and use it as they want, resulting in huge losses for the organisation.

As we know, we are living in the digital world and the digital age can be stressful for everyone. Even if we consciously try to avoid social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. we find ourselves hit with the constant barrage of invalid news, ads and useless information that comes with it. Moreover, there are some aspects of our digital dependence that can be troublesome sometimes.

For example, we rely so heavily on networks and devices in our daily lives for everything from paying our bills to accessing our healthcare information. But data breaches and cybercrime are topics that always make the headlines. They are enough to make anyone nervous.

However, that doesn’t mean you have to feel unprotected or defenceless. At TCSS, you
get the best cyber security professionals tasked with protecting your private data and information along with networks or systems you utilize and deal with any risk of cybercrimes.

Whether you’re simply an online consumer, looking for cyber security services for your organization, or you’re considering a career in cyber security, following the top cyber security blogs is a great way to help you stay protected and up-to-date on the latest industry developments.

As a cybersecurity provider, our mission is to provide the best protection to our clients. We make sure there are no loopholes in their security system. Our experts do this by performing regular scans to check for threats and getting rid of them.

Monday 12 July 2021

Important things to Know About Cyber Penetration Test

Cybercrime is a major issue for everyone, from individuals to organizations. Nowadays, these hackers are inventing new ways to trick and steal your organization’s sensitive data. In order to counter them, your organization has to think like them and then come up with a robust counter-plan to prevent any online attack. A penetration test or pen testing is one of those services that can help you in the event of an IT attack and also prepares you for future events.

Pen testing is usually performed by IT experts with advanced knowledge in the field. They test every modern technique used by hackers themselves to check the strength of the defence mechanism of the IT structure. If there is any loophole or backdoor, they quickly seal it with state-of-the-art cybersecurity products and services.

Major Areas of Penetration Testing

Applications - Identifies issues, for example, cross-site demand phoney, cross-site rearranging, infusion imperfections, etc.

Organization Infiltration Testing - Highlights network-level imperfections including misconfiguration, product explicit weaknesses, remote organization weaknesses, maverick administrations, feeble passwords, weak conventions, and default passwords.

Physical Gadgets Testing - Reveals how actual controls, like locks, biometric sweeps, sensors, and cameras could be survived.

Internet of Things - Uncovers equipment and programming weaknesses in the Internet of Things gadgets, including default passwords, shaky conventions, open APIs, misconfiguration, etc.

The Objectives of Pen Testing

The objective of the penetration (or pen)test will rely upon the sort of endorsed action and your consistency necessities. Pen testing cyber security products can help an organization in various ways. Some examples are given below -


1.       Decide the achievability of specific assault vectors

2.       Distinguish high-hazard weaknesses and the lower-hazard weaknesses

3.       Feature weaknesses that go undetected in application or system

4.       Evaluate the business, functional and administrative effect of fruitful digital assaults.

5.       Test networks and systems to recognize, react and stop a cyber threat

6.       Give setting to help expanded interest in data security strategies, techniques, workforce, or innovation

7.       Approve the execution of additional security controls set up to impede comparative attacks


Eventually, the standard aim is to discover security mishaps given that a cybercriminal could abuse these mishaps to steal data and then afterwards share this data. While pen testing can assist with recognizing shortcomings in network security, data security, application security, and information security, it is just a single piece of a full security review.

How does Penetration Test work?

This process is not a magical process that can solve any security problem within minutes. It has stages or phases to successfully tackle the ongoing situation.

Here are the six phases involved in pen testing -

Surveillance - Gathering data can be used to more readily assault the objective. For instance, using google hacking to discover information that can be used in a social designing assault.

Examining - With the help of cybersecurity products, an analyst gains further information on the aim's remotely confronting resources.

Getting Access - Using the information accumulated in the observation and filtering stages, the pen analyst can convey a payload to misuse the aim.

Keeping up with Access - After obtaining access, the pen analyst may gain steady admittance to the objective to remove however much information as could reasonably be expected.

Covering tracks - Lastly, they erase review trails, log info, and other things to avoid any follow-up by a cyber-criminal.

Announcing - Outlines the discoveries, furnishing a weakness evaluation with proposed remediation steps.

Infiltration testing is significant as it decides how well your organization is meeting its security objectives. The reason for these pen assaults performed by security experts is to distinguish shortcoming in your security controls which aggressors could exploit.

Tuesday 18 May 2021

4 Essential Tips for Choosing a Cyber Security Anbieter

With so many   cybersecurity service providers available in the market, selecting the right cyber security anbieter can get daunting. All of them boast of certification, have excellent track records, offer a wide range of services, and have an impressive clientele. So, how do you decide which of them is best suited for your needs? Don’t worry, we’re here to make things simpler for you and your organization.

We’ve listed five incredible tips and suggestions below to help make an informed choice.

1.    Compare Performance

Cybersecurity is an essential aspect of your business. It is something that holds the power to make or break your business reputation in the eyes of the customers. You cannot pick a cyber securitydienstleistungen provider based on how well they market themselves. To make a decision that helps your organization in the long run, you need to consider their skills and experience.

When you have multiple options to choose from, the best solution is to compare them all and see who performs better. A professional information security company will never refuse to give a test, they will instead be pleased to prove their skills to earn the trust of their clients. And if you come across a team that makes excuses on the name of being tested, take that as a warning signal.

2.    Say No to Single Skill Specialist

Online threats are increasing at a massive speed which means a company should be prepared to handle them in different ways. Always look for a service provider that isn’t a single skill specialist but an all-rounder. You cannot choose a company that has only a limited set of skills to handle or prevent threats. Selecting a team that specializes in more than one solution is the right option to go for.

The advantage of choosing a multifaceted cybersecurity company means relying on a single for multiple services. It saves you a lot of effort as well as time. Besides, you don’t have to worry about integrating these services because the service provider handles that for you.


3.    Check for the Finest Technical Support

No one can predict technical issues, they can come up at any time, any day, or on any device. And when something like that happens, you need assistance from a cybersecurity professional. The ideal cyber securityanbieter will be quick to respond to your request and have the knowledge to resolve issues within seconds. They will have the interpersonal skills, patience, and expertise to handle cyberattacks of any kind.

Therefore, when you start looking for a team, make sure you check whether or not they offer 24/7 technical assistance. If not, you should not risk collaborating with them.

4.    Don’t Forget Your Own Goals

A cybersecurity agency that understands your business goals and helps you achieve them is the right choice.

Remember, no matter how reputed a company it is, if it doesn’t understand your organizational objectives and cannot provide you with tailored cyber security dienstleistungen; it isn’t worth hiring.

Opt for a cybersecurity company that goes out of its way to show its commitment towards your organization. Scheduling meetings, asking questions, regularly updating your information security plan, and offering 24/7 assistance are just a few signs that depict their dedication.

To find out they can do all that or not, check out their testimonials, reviews or try asking them for client references. This will give you some clarity and eventually help you make the best possible selection in terms of your organization’s cybersecurity.



Tuesday 16 March 2021

5 Online Security Tips by Cyber Security Company

Nowadays, cyber-attacks are common and once in a while organizations all across the world suffers from data breaches. These breeches counts among the major threats and the average cost are more than 3 billion every year. Due to this, we face destabilization in the organizations along with financial costs and broken reputations. It happens because of the weak preventive methods used by the companies which makes them an easy target for hackers. A cyber security company can save your organization from data breaches and online threats by installing a solid strategy.

Top 5 Tips to Secure Company Data

Employees are key components in an organization, therefore, it’s important to make them aware of how important their role and data is. In addition to that, adopt the latest security strategies to safeguard sensitive data and information. Here are all the important tips to keep the hackers at bay -

1- Biometric Security

Employee verification allows higher safety and security to your valuable data. Cyber security solutions such as bio metric authentication offer many ways through which you can increase the security in the premisses. Major ones are given below -

     Fingerprint scans

     Behavioural biometrics

     Voice recognition

     Palm biometrics

     Facial recognition


Following methods not only give more data safety but also allow easy monitoring of employees, their behavior’s and activities.


2 - Implementation of Strong Password Policies

In most cases, people do not change passwords regularly or simply keep them simple. Hackers can crack these passwords with ease and can compromise sensitive company data. Make sure that you implement password policies in your organization and educate your employee on the importance of passwords. Create long passwords with the combination of Uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters.


3 - Employee Training

It’s important for the organization to train its employees with regular cyber security policies. Make sure your workforce is trained and aware of the latest online safety protocols. Ensure that they are well versed with the following -


     Safe use of the internet

     Security Basics

     Sensitive data handling

     Creating strong passwords

     And mobile security


4 - Regularly Take Data Backups 

You never know when there is an online attack and you will lose your precious data. Implement regular data backup policies to prevent data loss. In case of a cyber-attack, even you can easily recover stolen data. Hire a cyber security company if you want to have improved preventive measures against data breaches, hackers and online threats.


5 - Use Updated Software and Firmware

Never use outdated software or equipment and make sure everything you have is up to date. Software are not perfect, and they always come with major or minor vulnerabilities. Hackers can target the weak points in the software to access your system. By updating the software, you can get rid of this variability. Along with software, you need to have the latest firmware as well.


There are many things an information security company can do for you for your organization. Once you hire them, they will take the charge and protect you from every online threat. Along with the above methods, they can install a firewall, secure your WI-FI networks, setup spam and web filtering and more.




Wednesday 30 December 2020

10 Advantages of Using Cyber Security Products in Businesses

Cyber-crime has been steadily increasing lately, and several small and medium businesses are particularly at risk due to a lack of cyber security.

IT security solutions are important for each and every business present in the cyber world. This is especially true when we consider the extent at which the internet and various digital systems are utilized in day-to-day tasks. Therefore, cyber security products are useful, necessary even - in protecting the private data of companies online.

Main Benefits of Including Cyber Security Products in Business Operations

Consider the following advantages of having sufficient cyber security products for data protection in your organization -

       Enables Data Protection - The right cyber security products can give your business complete digital protection, giving employees the ability to surf the internet at will without having to worry about potential risks and threats. 

       Safeguards Private Information - Sensitive data is among the most precious commodities that businesses cannot afford to get leaked by a digital threat. In case a virus or another malicious software manages to obtain private data related to your staff or clients, they can sell that data or manipulate it to steal their money.

       Helps Staff to Operate Safely - Both an organization and its staff are continuously at a risk from a possible cyber attack, in the absence of the most useful cyber security products and solutions. In case one or more computers are struck with a virus, you will be forced to have them replaced, which will also lead you to second-guess your system’s safety.

       Ensures Efficiency - A computer with a virus works at a painfully slow pace, making tasks nearly impossible. Not only does this waste plenty of your staff’s time, but it can also drag your entire business down with it.

       Keep Your Website from Stopping Abruptly - If you own a business, the chances are you are hosting a website for it as well. In case your system gets attacked or otherwise infected, your website is at an obvious risk of going down.

When your website stops operating all of sudden, you could be losing money because of missing transactions that could have taken place had your website been working. Moreover, this could lead to lost customer trust, and permanent damage to your system, depending on the virus.

       Fends Off Spyware - Spyware, as the name suggests, is a type of cyber infection created to spy on the tasks being carried out on your computer. The information gathered about your actions is sent to the cyber-criminal owning the spyware.

Thankfully, there are some extremely helpful cyber security products that can stop the spyware from working and make sure the computers’ actions stay confidential and inside the workplace.

       Eliminates Adware - Adware is a rather common kind of computer virus that floods the computer with ads. With such an overwhelming number of advertisements, you are likely to end up clicking one of them, allowing more viruses to enter your system.

       A Cumulative Answer - The best, most dependable types of cyber security products for your organization will provide a consolidated remedy to safeguard against a wide array of problems. Typically, the system requires a firewall, anti-virus, anti-spam, internet protection, and a few other forms of security.

       Provides Support to IT Professionals - The harsh truth is that cyber-criminals often have a lot more expertise and experience than your IT support staff in terms of cyber crimes. Investing in decent cyber security services can give your team the functions and assistance they require to competently manage every threat.

       Increase Client Trust - Customers will be able to trust you more once you show them how well you can handle cyber threats. When they are convinced that they can conduct transactions with you safely, they are likely to buy your products and use your services more often.

What Is Cybersecurity? - Tcss

Cyber security is a hot topic among professionals in nearly every field around the world. Every kind of organisation has data that it has to...